
Shengal Women’s Assembly holds the 2nd Conference
SHENGAL – ANF Shengal Women’s Assembly held the 2nd Conference with the participation of hundreds of

IFOR: Civilians killed and cities destroyed in military operations in Turkey
IFOR representative Derek Brett on behalf of IFOR said the Turkish state has destroyed many Kurdish cities through

Filed under: Avrupa haberler, Deutschsprachige Artikel, English, Espanol, Français, Hayvan Tagged: MUSLIMISCHES FEST

İspanya: Anarşist Yoldaş Francisco Solar: Hiçbir Şey Bitmedi
Hiçbir şey bitmedi. Seçimlerimizin olgunluğu kabullenme ihtiyacı üzerine “Anarşist tutsaklar yalnız

Gǎi Dào Nr. 65 – Mai 2016
Liebe Gefährt*innen, liebe Interessierte, ihr haltet hier die 65. Ausgabe der Gai Dào in euren Händen (oder habt sie

Film «Deckname Dennis»
Liebe Leute Wir laden euch herzlich zu unserem Jour Fixe mit Film ein: Freitag, 27. Mai | Infoladen Kasama,

AZERBAYCAN KONSOLOSLUKLARI ÖNÜNE EYLEM ÇAĞRISI! CALL FOR WEEK OF ACTION in Support of Anarchist Prsioners in Azerbaijan (28th of May– 5th of June)
AZERBAYCAN KONSOLOSLUKLARI ÖNÜNE EYLEM ÇAĞRISI! Azerbaycanlı anarşistler Bayram Mammadov ve Qiyas Ibrahimov,

Turkey hit Kurdish city with internationally-banned Phosphorus bombs: activists
ARA News NUSAYBIN – The Turkish army forces have reportedly used the internationally-banned Phosphorus bombs in its

From Fascist to anti-militarist: An interview with a Turkish ex-soldier Resource : Corporate Watch
From Fascist to anti-militarist: An interview with a Turkish ex-soldier Resource : Corporate Watch Yannis Vasilis

Victory On The 45. Day Of Hunger Strike!
Osman Evcan gained the victory from the determined struggle which he put his life against the state inside the thick